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A function whose value decreases more quickly than any polynomial is said to be an exponentially decreasing function. The prototypical example is the function e^(-x), plotted ...
A function whose value increases more quickly than any polynomial is said to be an exponentially increasing function. The prototypical example is the function e^x, plotted ...
Exponentiation is the process of taking a quantity b (the base) to the power of another quantity e (the exponent). This operation most commonly denoted b^e. In TeX, the ...
The exsecant is a little-used trigonometric function defined by exsec(x)=secx-1, (1) where secx is the secant. The exsecant can be extended to the complex plane as ...
A binary tree in which special nodes are added wherever a null subtree was present in the original tree so that each node in the original tree (except the root node) has ...
The extended complex plane is the name given to the complex plane with a point at infinity attached: C union {infty^~}, where infty^~ denotes complex infinity. It is also ...
The extended greatest common divisor of two integers m and n can be defined as the greatest common divisor GCD(m,n) of m and n which also satisfies the constraint ...
The first quadratic nonresidue mod p of a number is always less than 3(lnp)^2/2 (Wedeniwski 2001).
The degree (or relative degree, or index) of an extension field K/F, denoted [K:F], is the dimension of K as a vector space over F, i.e., [K:F]=dim_FK. If [K:F] is finite, ...
In any triangle, if one of the sides is extended, the exterior angle is greater than both the interior and opposite angles.