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A regular surface M subset R^n is called orientable if each tangent space M_p has a complex structure J_p:M_p->M_p such that p->J_p is a continuous function.
Two vectors u and v whose dot product is u·v=0 (i.e., the vectors are perpendicular) are said to be orthogonal. In three-space, three vectors can be mutually perpendicular.
The interval (generally, the smallest interval) over which the values of a periodic function recur. Functions may have one or more periods over time and in space.
Every bounded operator T acting on a Hilbert space H has a decomposition T=U|T|, where |T|=(T^*T)^(1/2) and U is a partial isometry. This decomposition is called polar ...
A polytope in n-dimensional Euclidean space R^n whose vertices are integer lattice points but which does not contain any other lattice points in its interior or on its ...
The two-dimensional space consisting of the set of triples {(a,b,c):a,b,c in K, not all zero}, where triples which are scalar multiples of each other are identified.
The equivalence of manifolds under continuous deformation within the embedding space. Knots of opposite chirality have ambient isotopy, but not regular isotopy.
A retraction is a continuous map of a space onto a subspace leaving each point of the subspace fixed. Alternatively, retraction can refer to withdrawal of a paper containing ...
The root lattice of a semisimple Lie algebra is the discrete lattice generated by the Lie algebra roots in h^*, the dual vector space to the Cartan subalgebra.
Any motion of a rigid body in space at every instant is a screw motion. This theorem was proved by Mozzi and Cauchy.