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The set of L^p-functions (where p>=1) generalizes L2-space. Instead of square integrable, the measurable function f must be p-integrable for f to be in L^p. On a measure ...
Let Y^X be the set of continuous mappings f:X->Y. Then the topological space for Y^X supplied with a compact-open topology is called a mapping space.
Let P(L) be the set of all prime ideals of L, and define r(a)={P|a not in P}. Then the Stone space of L is the topological space defined on P(L) by postulating that the sets ...
A space of functions comprising a complete biorthogonal system.
The homeomorphic image of a so-called "complete separable" metric space. The continuous image of a Polish space is called a Souslin set.
A Cartesian product equipped with a "product topology" is called a product space (or product topological space, or direct product).
A space which is isomorphic to a Borel subset B of a Polish space equipped with its sigma-algebra of Borel sets.
The space |K| which is the subset of R^n that is the union of the simplices in a simplicial complex K. The term polytope is sometimes used as a synonym for underlying space ...
A G-space is a special type of T1-Space. Consider a point x and a homeomorphism of an open neighborhood V of x onto an open set of R^n. Then a space is a G-space if, for any ...
A measure space is a measurable space possessing a nonnegative measure. Examples of measure spaces include n-dimensional Euclidean space with Lebesgue measure and the unit ...
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