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A subset A subset= X of a topological space X is said to be disconnected if it is not connected.
The kernel of a linear transformation T:V-->W between vector spaces is its null space.
A nonsimply connected 3-manifold, also called a dodecahedral space.
The hypothesis is that, for X is a measure space, f_n(x)->f(x) for each x in X, as n->infty. The hypothesis may be weakened to almost everywhere convergence.
A local-ringed space which is locally isomorphic to an affine scheme.
A subset M of a Hilbert space H is a linear manifold if it is closed under addition of vectors and scalar multiplication.
A vector bundle is special class of fiber bundle in which the fiber is a vector space V. Technically, a little more is required; namely, if f:E->B is a bundle with fiber R^n, ...
The orthogonal complement of a subspace V of the vector space R^n is the set of vectors which are orthogonal to all elements of V. For example, the orthogonal complement of ...
In the plane, there are 17 lattice groups, eight of which are pure translation. In R^3, there are 32 point groups and 230 space groups. In R^4, there are 4783 space lattice ...
A topological space is locally connected at the point x if every neighborhood of x contains a connected open neighborhood. It is called locally connected if it is locally ...