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Ellipsoidal harmonics of the second kind, also known as Lamé functions of the second kind, are variously defined as F_m^p(x)=(2m+1)E_m^p(x) ...
The v coordinates are the asymptotic angle of confocal hyperbolic cylinders symmetrical about the x-axis. The u coordinates are confocal elliptic cylinders centered on the ...
The term energy has an important physical meaning in physics and is an extremely useful concept. There are several forms energy defined in mathematics. In measure theory, let ...
_2F_1(a,b;c;z)=int_0^1(t^(b-1)(1-t)^(c-b-1))/((1-tz)^a)dt, (1) where _2F_1(a,b;c;z) is a hypergeometric function. The solution can be written using the Euler's ...
If {f_n} is a sequence of nonnegative measurable functions, then intlim inf_(n->infty)f_ndmu<=lim inf_(n->infty)intf_ndmu. (1) An example of a sequence of functions for which ...
The study of an extension of derivatives and integrals to noninteger orders. Fractional calculus is based on the definition of the fractional integral as ...
Let C=C^+ union C^- (where C^+ intersection C^-=emptyset) be the disjoint union of two finite components C^+ and C^-. Let alpha and beta be two involutions on C, each of ...
A method for numerical solution of a second-order ordinary differential equation y^('')=f(x,y) first expounded by Gauss. It proceeds by introducing a function delta^(-2)f ...
The second-order ordinary differential equation (1-x^2)y^('')-2(mu+1)xy^'+(nu-mu)(nu+mu+1)y=0 (1) sometimes called the hyperspherical differential equation (Iyanaga and ...
The Gibbs phenomenon is an overshoot (or "ringing") of Fourier series and other eigenfunction series occurring at simple discontinuities. It can be reduced with the Lanczos ...
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