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Smale's problems are a list of 18 challenging problems for the twenty-first century proposed by Field medalist Steven Smale. These problems were inspired in part by Hilbert's ...
The Smale horseshoe map consists of a sequence of operations on the unit square. First, stretch in the y direction by more than a factor of two, then compress in the x ...
If M^n is a differentiable homotopy sphere of dimension n>=5, then M^n is homeomorphic to S^n. In fact, M^n is diffeomorphic to a manifold obtained by gluing together the ...
The space of immersions of a manifold in another manifold is homotopically equivalent to the space of bundle injections from the tangent space of the first to the tangent ...
An initial point that provides safe convergence of Newton's method (Smale 1981; Petković et al. 1997, p. 1).
The vector field N_f(z)=-(f(z))/(f^'(z)) arising in the definition of the Newtonian graph of a complex univariate polynomial f (Smale 1985, Shub et al. 1988, Kozen and ...
Let p be a non-wandering point of a diffeomorphism S:M->M of a compact manifold. The closing lemma concerns if S can be arbitrarily well approximated with derivatives of ...
There are at least 15 classes of convex pentagonal tilings, as illustrated above. The first five were discovered during investigations of German mathematician Karl Reinhardt ...
A theorem that classifies planar regular closed curves up to regular homotopy by their contour winding numbers (Whitney 1937). In his thesis, S. Smale generalized this result ...
Let phi:M->M be a C^1 diffeomorphism on a compact Riemannian manifold M. Then phi satisfies Axiom A if the nonwandering set Omega(phi) of phi is hyperbolic and the periodic ...
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