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Let V be a real vector space (e.g., the real continuous functions C(I) on a closed interval I, two-dimensional Euclidean space R^2, the twice differentiable real functions ...
A map which uses a set of rules to transform elements of a sequence into a new sequence using a set of rules which "translate" from the original sequence to its ...
If P(n) is a sentential formula depending on a variable n ranging in a set of real numbers, the sentence P(n) for every sufficiently large n (1) means exists N such that P(n) ...
An integer n is called a super unitary perfect number if sigma^*(sigma^*(n))=2n, where sigma^*(n) is the unitary divisor function. The first few are 2, 9, 165, 238, 1640, ... ...
A superabundant number is a composite number n such that sigma(n)/n>sigma(k)/k for all k<n, where sigma(n) is the divisor function. Superabundant numbers are closely related ...
A superegg is a solid described by the equation |sqrt((x^2+y^2)/(a^2))|^n+|z/b|^n=1. (1) The special case n=2 gives a spheroid. Special cases of volume V_n are given by V_1 = ...
The superellipsoid is a generalization of the ellipsoid by allowing different exponents of the variables in the algebraic representation. It is similarly a generalization of ...
The superfactorial of n is defined by Pickover (1995) as n$=n!^(n!^(·^(·^(·^(n!)))))_()_(n!). (1) The first two values are 1 and 4, but subsequently grow so rapidly that 3$ ...
A superior highly composite number is a positive integer n for which there is an e>0 such that (d(n))/(n^e)>=(d(k))/(k^e) for all k>1, where the function d(n) counts the ...
For a graph vertex x of a graph, let Gamma_x and Delta_x denote the subgraphs of Gamma-x induced by the graph vertices adjacent to and nonadjacent to x, respectively. The ...
