
Search Results for "sign language"

4371 - 4380 of 13135 for sign languageSearch Results
A constant appearing in formulas for the efficiency of the Euclidean algorithm, B = (12ln2)/(pi^2)[-1/2+6/(pi^2)zeta^'(2)]+C-1/2 (1) = 0.06535142... (2) (OEIS A143304), where ...
Given a convex plane region with area A and perimeter p, A-1/2p<N<=A+1/2p+1, where N is the number of enclosed lattice points (Nosarzewska 1948). This improves on Jarnick's ...
A nowhere-neat dissection is a dissection of an area into polygons such that no two polygons have a side in common. A nowhere-neat dissection in which squares of the same ...
A continuous map f:X->Y between topological spaces is said to be null-homotopic if it is homotopic to a constant map. If a space X has the property that id_X, the identity ...
A null function delta^0(x) satisfies int_a^bdelta^0(x)dx=0 (1) for all a,b, so int_(-infty)^infty|delta^0(x)|dx=0. (2) Like a delta function, they satisfy delta^0(x)={0 x!=0; ...
g_(ij)=[0 1 0 0; 1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 -1; 0 0 -1 0]. It can be expressed as g_(ab)=l_an_b+l_bn_a-m_am^__b-m_bm^__a.
The nullity of a linear transformation f:V->W of vector spaces is the dimension of its null space. The nullity and the map rank add up to the dimension of V, a result ...
Let K be a number field of extension degree d over Q. Then an order O of K is a subring of the ring of integers of K with d generators over Z, including 1. The ring of ...
The length of a number n in base b is the number of digits in the base-b numeral for n, given by the formula L(n,b)=|_log_b(n)_|+1, where |_x_| is the floor function. The ...
It is possible to construct simple functions which produce growing patterns. For example, the Baxter-Hickerson function f(n)=1/3(2·10^(5n)-10^(4n)+2·10^(3n)+10^(2n)+10^n+1) ...
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