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A near-perfect matching is a matching in which a single vertex is left unmatched. Just as perfect matchings can occur only for graphs with an even number of vertices, ...
Every irrational number x can be expanded in a unique continued fraction expansion x=b_0+(e_1)/(b_1+(e_2)/(b_2+(e_3)/(b_3+...)))=[b_0;e_1b_1,e_2b_2,e_3b_3,...] such that b_0 ...
A condition which must hold for a result to be true, but which does not guarantee it to be true. If a condition is both necessary and sufficient, then the result is said to ...
The series which arises in the binomial theorem for negative integer -n, (x+a)^(-n) = sum_(k=0)^(infty)(-n; k)x^ka^(-n-k) (1) = sum_(k=0)^(infty)(-1)^k(n+k-1; k)x^ka^(-n-k) ...
A negative integer is one of the integers ..., -4, -3, -2, -1 obtained by negating the positive integers. The negative integers are commonly denoted Z^-.
The term negative likelihood ratio is also used (especially in medicine) to test nonnested complementary hypotheses as follows, NLR = ([false negative rate])/([true negative ...
A negative matrix is a real or integer matrix (a)_(ij) for which each matrix element is a negative number, i.e., a_(ij)<0 for all i, j. Negative matrices are therefore a ...
Let f:R->R, then the negative part of f is the function f^-:R->R defined by f^-(x)=max(-f(x),0). Note that the negative part is itself a nonnegative function. The negative ...
The negative real axis is the portion of the real axis with x<0.
A base for a neighborhood system of a point x is a collection N of open sets such that x belongs to every member of N, and any open set containing x also contains a member of ...
