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The conjecture that the maximum local density is given by rho_(dodecahedron).
A local extremum, also called a relative extremum, is a local minimum or local maximum.
The study of a finite group G using the local subgroups of G. Local group theory plays a critical role in the classification theorem of finite groups.
A local maximum, also called a relative maximum, is a maximum within some neighborhood that need not be (but may be) a global maximum.
A local minimum, also called a relative minimum, is a minimum within some neighborhood that need not be (but may be) a global minimum.
A topological space is locally connected at the point x if every neighborhood of x contains a connected open neighborhood. It is called locally connected if it is locally ...
A simplicial complex K is said to be locally finite if each vertex of K belongs only to finitely many simplices of K.
A family of subsets of a topological space such that every point has a neighborhood which intersects only a finite number of them.
A graph for which every node has finite degree.
A function is called locally integrable if, around every point in the domain, there is a neighborhood on which the function is integrable. The space of locally integrable ...
