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The partial differential equation u_t+del ^4u+del ^2u+1/2|del u|^2=0, where del ^2 is the Laplacian, del ^4 is the biharmonic operator, and del is the gradient.
The area of the dodecagon (n=12) inscribed in a unit circle with R=1 is A=1/2nR^2sin((2pi)/n)=3.
A robust estimation based on linear combinations of order statistics. Examples include the statistical median and the trimean.
The space called L^infty (ell-infinity) generalizes the L-p-spaces to p=infty. No integration is used to define them, and instead, the norm on L^infty is given by the ...
The order n>=2 L-polyomino consists of a vertical line of n squares with a single additional square attached at the bottom.
The L^2-inner product of two real functions f and g on a measure space X with respect to the measure mu is given by <f,g>_(L^2)=int_Xfgdmu, sometimes also called the bracket ...
Let a spherical triangle have sides of length a, b, and c, and semiperimeter s. Then the spherical excess E is given by
A method for constructing magic squares of singly even order n>=6.
Given a positive integer n, a labeled n-digraph is a digraph whose vertex set is {1,...,n}.
The Labs septic is a septic surface having 99 ordinary double points, which is the maximum number known for any septic surface.
