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An expansion based on the roots of x^(-n)[xJ_n^'(x)+HJ_n(x)]=0, where J_n(x) is a Bessel function of the first kind, is called a Dini expansion.
A test for the convergence of Fourier series. Let phi_x(t)=f(x+t)+f(x-t)-2f(x), then if int_0^pi(|phi_x(t)|dt)/t is finite, the Fourier series converges to f(x) at x.
Characterized by allowing only integer values.
A set S of positive integers is said to be Diophantine iff there exists a polynomial Q with integral coefficients in m>=1 indeterminates such that ...
The order-n dipole graph D_n is a multigraph consisting of two vertices and n multiple edges joining them. The dipole graph D_2 is a multigraph that can be considered to ...
A notation invented by Dirac which is very useful in quantum mechanics. The notation defines the "ket" vector, denoted |psi>, and its conjugate transpose, called the "bra" ...
If (f,U) and (g,V) are functions elements, then (g,V) is a direct analytic continuation of (f,U) if U intersection V!=emptyset and f and g are equal on U intersection V.
Given the direct sum of additive Abelian groups A direct sum B, A and B are called direct summands. The map i_1:A-->A direct sum B defined by i(a)=a direct sum 0 is called ...
For {M_i}_(i in I) a family of R-modules indexed by a directed set I, let sigma_(ij):M_i->M_j i<=j be an R-module homomorphism. Call (M_i,sigma_(ij)) a direct system over I ...
The symbol ∡ABC denotes the directed angle from AB to BC, which is the signed angle through which AB must be rotated about B to coincide with BC. Four points ABCD lie on a ...
