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A transformation which transforms from a two-dimensional continuous uniform distribution to a two-dimensional bivariate normal distribution (or complex normal distribution). ...
Consider n strings, each oriented vertically from a lower to an upper "bar." If this is the least number of strings needed to make a closed braid representation of a link, n ...
The Cesàro means of a function f are the arithmetic means sigma_n=1/n(s_0+...+s_(n-1)), (1) n=1, 2, ..., where the addend s_k is the kth partial sum ...
The chi distribution with n degrees of freedom is the distribution followed by the square root of a chi-squared random variable. For n=1, the chi distribution is a ...
A cyclic pentagon is a not necessarily regular pentagon on whose polygon vertices a circle may be circumscribed. Let such a pentagon have edge lengths a_1, ..., a_5, and area ...
A normal distribution with mean 0, P(x)=h/(sqrt(pi))e^(-h^2x^2). (1) The characteristic function is phi(t)=e^(-t^2/(4h^2)). (2) The mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis ...
A field automorphism of a field F is a bijective map sigma:F->F that preserves all of F's algebraic properties, more precisely, it is an isomorphism. For example, complex ...
The so-called generalized Fourier integral is a pair of integrals--a "lower Fourier integral" and an "upper Fourier integral"--which allow certain complex-valued functions f ...
Gibrat's distribution is a continuous distribution in which the logarithm of a variable x has a normal distribution, P(x)=1/(xsqrt(2pi))e^(-(lnx)^2/2), (1) defined over the ...
In statistical mechanics, the two-dimensional Ising model is a popular tool used to study the dipole moments of magnetic spins. The Ising model in two dimensions is a type of ...
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