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A theory is a set of sentences which is closed under logical implication. That is, given any subset of sentences {s_1,s_2,...} in the theory, if sentence r is a logical ...
Let S be a collection of subsets of a finite set X. A subset Y of X that meets every member of S is called the vertex cover, or hitting set. A vertex cover of a graph G can ...
Transitivity is a result of the symmetry in the group. A group G is called transitive if its group action (understood to be a subgroup of a permutation group on a set Omega) ...
A locus is the set of all points (usually forming a curve or surface) satisfying some condition. For example, the locus of points in the plane equidistant from a given point ...
Let I be a set, and let U be an ultrafilter on I, let phi be a formula of a given language L, and let {A_i:i in I} be any collection of structures which is indexed by the set ...
A sorting algorithm which makes n passes over a set of n elements, in each pass selecting the smallest element and deleting it from the set. This algorithm has running time ...
A map which uses a set of rules to transform elements of a sequence into a new sequence using a set of rules which "translate" from the original sequence to its ...
A free idempotent monoid is a monoid that satisfies the identity x^2=x and is generated by a set of elements. If the generating set of such a monoid is finite, then so is the ...
The word "rank" refers to several related concepts in mathematics involving graphs, groups, matrices, quadratic forms, sequences, set theory, statistics, and tensors. In ...
A partially ordered set (or ordered set or poset for short) (L,<=) is called a complete lattice if every subset M of L has a least upper bound (supremum, supM) and a greatest ...
