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The Mandelbar set is a fractal set analogous to the Mandelbrot set or its generalization to a higher power with the variable z replaced by its complex conjugate z^_.
A degree set is a set of integers that make up a degree sequence. Any set of positive integers is the degree set for some graph, because any odd integer from that set can be ...
A Julia set J consisting of a set of isolated points which is formed by taking a point outside an underlying set M (e.g., the Mandelbrot set). If the point is outside but ...
The concept of irredundance was introduced by Cockayne et al. (1978). Let N_G[v] denote the graph neighborhood of a vertex v in a graph G (including v itself), and let N_G[S] ...
There are several equivalent definitions of a closed set. Let S be a subset of a metric space. A set S is closed if 1. The complement of S is an open set, 2. S is its own set ...
A countable set is a set that is either finite or denumerable. However, some authors (e.g., Ciesielski 1997, p. 64) use the definition "equipollent to the finite ordinals," ...
The arc set of a directed graph is the set of all arcs (directed edges) of the graph. The arc set for a directed graph g is given in the Wolfram Language by EdgeList[g].
The set difference A\B is defined by A\B={x:x in A and x not in B}. Here, the backslash symbol is defined as Unicode U+2216. The set difference is therefore equivalent to the ...
A set of plane measure 0 that contains a circle of every radius.
In a complete metric space, a countable union of nowhere dense sets is said to be meager; the complement of such a set is a residual set.
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