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The thinnest sequence which contains 1, and whenever it contains x, also contains 2x, 3x+2, and 6x+3: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, ... (OEIS A005658).
A tree with a finite number of branches at each fork and with a finite number of leaves at the end of each branch is called a finitely branching tree. König's lemma states ...
König's line coloring theorem states that the edge chromatic number of any bipartite graph equals its maximum vertex degree. In other words, every bipartite graph is a class ...
Let alpha(x) be a step function with the jump j(x)=(N; x)p^xq^(N-x) (1) at x=0, 1, ..., N, where p>0,q>0, and p+q=1. Then the Krawtchouk polynomial is defined by ...
The l^2-norm (also written "l^2-norm") |x| is a vector norm defined for a complex vector x=[x_1; x_2; |; x_n] (1) by |x|=sqrt(sum_(k=1)^n|x_k|^2), (2) where |x_k| on the ...
In practice, the vertical offsets from a line (polynomial, surface, hyperplane, etc.) are almost always minimized instead of the perpendicular offsets. This provides a ...
A Lehner continued fraction is a generalized continued fraction of the form b_0+(e_1)/(b_1+(e_2)/(b_2+(e_3)/(b_3+...))) where (b_i,e_(i+1))=(1,1) or (2, -1) for x in [1,2) an ...
The case of the Weierstrass elliptic function with invariants g_2=1 and g_3=0. In this case, the half-periods are given by (omega_1,omega_2)=(omega,iomega), where omega is ...
An ordering for the Cartesian product × of any two sets A and B with order relations <A and <B, respectively, such that if (a_1,b_1) and (a_2,b_2) both belong to A×B, then ...
Consider a collection of diagonal matrices H_1,...,H_k, which span a subspace h. Then the ith eigenvalue, i.e., the ith entry along the diagonal, is a linear functional on h, ...
