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171 - 180 of 2374 for set asideSearch Results
A set equipped with a sigma-algebra of subsets.
The fractal J(-3/4,0), where J is the Julia set. It slightly resembles the Mandelbrot set.
A Julia set with c=-0.390541-0.586788i. The fractal somewhat resembles the better known Mandelbrot set.
For every partition of all the points on a line into two nonempty sets such that no point of either lies between two points of the other, there is a point of one set which ...
A set in R^d formed by translating an affine subspace or by the intersection of a set of hyperplanes.
A set A of integers is recursively isomorphic to set B if there is a bijective recursive function f such that f(A)=B.
Every nonempty set of positive integers contains a smallest member.
Let I(x,y) denote the set of all vertices lying on an (x,y)-graph geodesic in G, then a set S with I(S)=V(G) is called a geodetic set in G and is denoted g(G).
A set of statistical distributions having the same variance.
A system of equations is any set of simultaneous equations.
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