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A partially ordered set P is a circle order if it is isomorphic to a set of disks ordered by containment.
A function f:A->B such that B is a set of numbers.
A set of four, also called a quartet.
A set with three elements.
A generalization of the concept of set unions and intersections.
Fatou dust is a Fatou set for a point outside the underlying set. Such a set has zero area and has an infinite number of disconnected components.
A set of four, also called a tetrad.
X subset= R^n is subanalytic if, for all x in R^n, there is an open set U and a bounded semianalytic set Y subset R^(n+m) such that X intersection U is the projection of Y ...
A relation R on a set S is reflexive provided that xRx for every x in S.
The ideal generated by a set in a vector space.
