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The function from a given nonempty set X to the power set P(X) that maps every element x of X to the set {x}.
The set of points, known as boundary points, which are members of the set closure of a given set S and the set closure of its complement set. The boundary is sometimes called ...
A superset which is not the entire set.
A relation on a totally ordered set.
The minimum excluded value. The mex of a set S of nonnegative integers is the least nonnegative integer not in the set.
A level set in three dimensions.
A point which is a member of the set closure of a given set S and the set closure of its complement set. If A is a subset of R^n, then a point x in R^n is a boundary point of ...
A definition of a set by mentioning a defining property.
A set in a Polish space is a Borel set iff it is both analytic and coanalytic. For subsets of w, a set is delta_1^1 iff it is "hyperarithmetic."
The set theory symbol (aleph) for the cardinal number of a well-orderable infinite set.
