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An independent edge set, also called a matching, of a graph G is a subset of the edges such that no two edges in the subset share a vertex in G. A maximum independent edge ...
A random closed set (RACS) in R^d is a measurable function from a probability space (Omega,A,P) into (F,Sigma) where F is the collection of all closed subsets of R^d and ...
A set having the largest number k of distinct residue classes modulo m so that no subset has zero sum.
von Neumann-Bernays-Gödel set theory (abbreviated "NBG") is a version of set theory which was designed to give the same results as Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, but in a more ...
A member of a collection of sets is said to be maximal if it cannot be expanded to another member by addition of any element. Maximal sets are important in graph theory since ...
A subset E of a topological space S is said to be nonmeager if E is of second category in S, i.e., if E cannot be written as the countable union of subsets which are nowhere ...
A subset S of a topological space X is compact if for every open cover of S there exists a finite subcover of S.
A subset A subset= X of a topological space X is said to be disconnected if it is not connected.
Three sets of three lines such that each line is incident with two from both other sets.
If F is a sigma-algebra and A is a subset of X, then A is called measurable if A is a member of F. X need not have, a priori, a topological structure. Even if it does, there ...
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