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The term endomorphism derives from the Greek adverb endon ("inside") and morphosis ("to form" or "to shape"). In algebra, an endomorphism of a group, module, ring, vector ...
An equalizer of a pair of maps f,g:X->Y in a category is a map e:E->X such that 1. f degreese=g degreese, where degrees denotes composition. 2. For any other map e^':E^'->X ...
Is there a planar convex set having two distinct equichordal points? The problem was first proposed by Fujiwara (1916) and Blaschke et al. (1917), but long defied solution. ...
A extension ring (or ring extension) of a ring R is any ring S of which R is a subring. For example, the field of rational numbers Q and the ring of Gaussian integers Z[i] ...
If a function f(x) is continuous on a closed interval [a,b], then f(x) has both a maximum and a minimum on [a,b]. If f(x) has an extremum on an open interval (a,b), then the ...
The determination of a set of factors (divisors) of a given integer ("prime factorization"), polynomial ("polynomial factorization"), etc., which, when multiplied together, ...
A graph with a finite number of nodes and edges. If it has n nodes and has no multiple edges or graph loops (i.e., it is simple), it is a subgraph of the complete graph K_n. ...
A formal power series, sometimes simply called a "formal series" (Wilf 1994), of a field F is an infinite sequence {a_0,a_1,a_2,...} over F. Equivalently, it is a function ...
Let (Omega)_(ij) be the resistance distance matrix of a connected graph G on n nodes. Then Foster's theorems state that sum_((i,j) in E(G)))Omega_(ij)=n-1, where E(g) is the ...
The term "fractal dimension" is sometimes used to refer to what is more commonly called the capacity dimension of a fractal (which is, roughly speaking, the exponent D in the ...
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