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There appear to be two different definitions of the standard error. The standard error of a sample of sample size n is the sample's standard deviation divided by sqrt(n). It ...
The standard form of a line in the Cartesian plane is given by ax+by=c for real numbers a,b,c in R. This form can be derived from any of the other forms (point-slope form, ...
A standard normal distribution is a normal distribution with zero mean (mu=0) and unit variance (sigma^2=1), given by the probability density function and distribution ...
One of the three classes of tori illustrated above and given by the parametric equations x = (c+acosv)cosu (1) y = (c+acosv)sinu (2) z = asinv. (3) The three different ...
Stanley and Wilf conjectured (Bona 1997, Arratia 1999), that for every permutation pattern sigma, there is a constant c(sigma)<infty such that for all n, ...
A star polyhedron is a nonconvex polyhedron which contains an arrangement of symmetrically (nor nearly symmetrically) arranged spikes giving it the visual appearance of a ...
For two random variates X and Y, the correlation is defined bY cor(X,Y)=(cov(X,Y))/(sigma_Xsigma_Y), (1) where sigma_X denotes standard deviation and cov(X,Y) is the ...
The distribution of a variable is a description of the relative numbers of times each possible outcome will occur in a number of trials. The function describing the ...
The term "range" has two completely different meanings in statistics. Given order statistics Y_1=min_(j)X_j, Y_2, ..., Y_(N-1), Y_N=max_(j)X_j, the range of the random sample ...
The Steenrod algebra has to do with the cohomology operations in singular cohomology with integer mod 2 coefficients. For every n in Z and i in {0,1,2,3,...} there are ...
