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A schematic mathematical illustration showing the relationships between or properties of mathematical objects.
Two quantities are said to be different (or "unequal") if they are not equal. The term "different" also has a technical usage related to modules. Let a module M in an ...
The shortest path-spanning tree from a graph vertex of a graph.
A directed infinity in direction z is an infinite numerical quantity that is a positive real multiple of the complex number z. Directed infinity may be returned in the ...
Partial differential equation boundary conditions which give the value of the function on a surface, e.g., T=f(r,t).
A piecewise regular function that 1. Has a finite number of finite discontinuities and 2. Has a finite number of extrema can be expanded in a Fourier series which converges ...
The term in logic used to describe the operation commonly known as OR. A literal is considered a (degenerate) disjunction (Mendelson 1997, p. 30). The Wolfram Language ...
If, for n and d integers, the ratio n/d is itself an integer, then d is said to divide n. This relationship is written d|n, read "d divides n." In this case, n is also said ...
The "dot" · has several meanings in mathematics, including multiplication (a·b is pronounced "a times b"), computation of a dot product (a·b is pronounced "a dot b").
The double bar symbol | is used to denote certain kinds of norms in mathematics (e.g., ||x|| or ||x||_2). It is also used to denote parallel lines, as in A∥B, and in an older ...
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