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A group action of a topological group G on a topological space X is said to be a proper group action if the mapping G×X->X×X(g,x)|->(gx,x) is a proper map, i.e., inverses of ...
A proper subgroup is a proper subset H of group elements of a group G that satisfies the four group requirements. "H is a proper subgroup of G" is written H subset G. The ...
A submodule that is not the entire module.
A proper subset S^' of a set S, denoted S^' subset S, is a subset that is strictly contained in S and so necessarily excludes at least one member of S. The empty set is ...
A subvariety of an algebraic variety that is not the entire variety. The proper subvarieties of a line are its nonempty finite subsets, the proper subvarieties of a plane are ...
A knot having the property that no surgery could possibly yield a counterexample to the Poincaré conjecture is said to satisfy Property P (Adams 1994, p. 262).
For N=k·2^n+1 with k odd and 2^n>k, if there exists an integer a such that a^((N-1)/2)=-1 (mod N), then N is prime. A prime of this form is known as a Proth prime.
A metric space Z^^ in which the closure of a congruence class B(j,m) is the corresponding congruence class {x in Z^^|x=j (mod m)}.
A Euclidean-like space having line element ds^2=(dz^1)^2+...+(dz^p)^2-(dz^(p+1))^2-...-(dz^(p+q))^2, having dimension m=p+q (Rosen 1965). In contrast, the signs would be all ...
A pseudo-Riemannian manifold is a manifold which has a metric that is of the signature diag(-,+,...,+), as compared to a Riemannian manifold, which has a signature of all ...
