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Given f:X->Y, the image of x is f(x). The preimage of y is then f^(-1)(y)={x|f(x)=y}, or all x whose image is y. Images are elements of the range, while preimages are subsets ...
Let S be a collection of subsets of a set X and let mu:S->[0,infty] be a set function. The function mu is called a premeasure provided that mu is finitely additive, countably ...
A premise is a statement that is assumed to be true. Formal logic uses a set of premises and syllogisms to arrive at a conclusion.
A relation "<=" is called a preorder (or quasiorder) on a set S if it satisfies: 1. Reflexivity: a<=a for all a in S. 2. Transitivity: a<=b and b<=c implies a<=c. A preorder ...
The present value v_n of a single payment made at n periods in the future is v_n=p/((1+r)^n), (1) where n is the number of periods until payment, p is the payment amount, and ...
A knot obtained from a tangle which can be represented by a finite sequence of integers.
Each prime factor p_i^(alpha_i) in an integer's prime factorization is called a primary.
A primary ideal is an ideal I such that if ab in I, then either a in I or b^m in I for some m>0. Prime ideals are always primary. A primary decomposition expresses any ideal ...
Let pi be a unitary representation of a group G on a separable Hilbert space, and let R(pi) be the smallest weakly closed algebra of bounded linear operators containing all ...
An irreducible algebraic integer which has the property that, if it divides the product of two algebraic integers, then it divides at least one of the factors. 1 and -1 are ...
