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A lattice which satisfies the identity (x ^ y) v (x ^ z)=x ^ (y v (x ^ z)) is said to be modular.
The important property of Fourier transforms that F_x[cos(2pik_0x)f(x)](k) can be expressed in terms of F[f(x)]=F(k) as follows, ...
A module homomorphism is a map f:M->N between modules over a ring R which preserves both the addition and the multiplication by scalars. In symbols this means that ...
The kernel of a module homomorphism f:M-->N is the set of all elements of M which are mapped to zero. It is the kernel of f as a homomorphism of additive groups, and is a ...
The rule (F,F=>G)/G, where => means "implies," which is the sole rule of inference in propositional calculus. This rule states that if each of F and F=>G is either an axiom ...
Spherical triangles into which a sphere is divided by the planes of symmetry of a uniform polyhedron.
A curve consisting of two mirror-reversed intersecting crescents (lunes). This curve can be traced unicursally. The region common to both crescents is a lens.
The partial differential equation (Cole and Cook 1986, p. 34; Zwillinger 1997, p. 134).
The Mollweide projection is a map projection also called the elliptical projection or homolographic equal-area projection. The forward transformation is x = ...
(b-c)/a = (sin[1/2(B-C)])/(cos(1/2A)) (1) (c-a)/b = (sin[1/2(C-A)])/(cos(1/2B)) (2) (a-b)/c = (sin[1/2(A-B)])/(cos(1/2C)). (3)
