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The lower-trimmed subsequence of x={x_n} is the sequence V(x) obtained by subtracting 1 from each x_n and then removing all 0s. If x is a fractal sequence, then V(x) is a ...
A function f is said to have a lower bound c if c<=f(x) for all x in its domain. The greatest lower bound is called the infimum.
The lower clique number omega_L(G) of a graph G may be defined as the size of a smallest maximal clique in a graph G. It therefore corresponds to the coefficient of the ...
The unit lower half-disk is the portion of the complex plane satisfying {|z|<=1,I[z]<0}.
The portion of the complex plane {x+iy:x,y in (-infty,infty)} satisfying y=I[z]<0, i.e., {x+iy:x in (-infty,infty),y in (-infty,0)}
The limit of a lower sum, when it exists, as the mesh size approaches 0.
Let the least term h of a sequence be a term which is smaller than all but a finite number of the terms which are equal to h. Then h is called the lower limit of the ...
The lower matching number of a graph is the minimum size of a maximal independent edge set. The (upper) matching number may be similarly defined as the largest size of an ...
For a given function f(x) over a partition of a given interval, the lower sum is the sum of box areas m^*Deltax_k using the infimum m of the function f(x) in each subinterval ...
A triangular matrix L of the form L_(ij)={a_(ij) for i>=j; 0 for i<j. (1) Written explicitly, L=[a_(11) 0 ... 0; a_(21) a_(22) ... 0; | | ... 0; a_(n1) a_(n2) ... a_(nn)]. ...
