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Let F be a finite field with q elements, and let F_s be a field containing F such that [F_s:F]=s. Let chi be a nontrivial multiplicative character of F and chi^'=chi ...
A collection of equations satisfies the Hasse principle if, whenever one of the equations has solutions in R and all the Q_p, then the equations have solutions in the ...
The Jacobi symbol (a/y)=chi(y) as a number theoretic character can be extended to the Kronecker symbol (f(a)/y)=chi^*(y) so that chi^*(y)=chi(y) whenever chi(y)!=0. When y is ...
Let X be a metric space, A be a subset of X, and d a number >=0. The d-dimensional Hausdorff measure of A, H^d(A), is the infimum of positive numbers y such that for every ...
For n>=3, there exist no additive finite and invariant measures for the group of displacements in R^n.
The havercosine, also called the haversed cosine, is a little-used trigonometric function defined by havercosz = vercosz (1) = 1/2(1+cosz), (2) where vercosz is the vercosine ...
The hazard function (also known as the failure rate, hazard rate, or force of mortality) h(x) is the ratio of the probability density function P(x) to the survival function ...
The study, first developed by Boole, of shift-invariant operators which are polynomials in the differential operator D^~. Heaviside calculus can be used to solve any ordinary ...
Johnson solid J_(89).
A generalization of the Euler L-function associated with a Grössencharakter.
