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A global maximum, also known as an absolute maximum, the largest overall value of a set, function, etc., over its entire range. It is impossible to construct an algorithm ...
A global minimum, also known as an absolute minimum, is the smallest overall value of a set, function, etc., over its entire range. It is impossible to construct an algorithm ...
A glome is a 4-sphere (in the geometer's sense of the word) x^2+y^2+z^2+w^2=r^2 (as opposed to the usual 3-sphere). The term derives from the Latin "glomus" meaning "ball of ...
The term "God's number" is sometimes given to the graph diameter of Rubik's graph, which is the minimum number of turns required to solve a Rubik's cube from an arbitrary ...
The Goffinet dragon is the fractal obtained by plotting all points spanned by powers of the complex number p=0.65-0.3i (Trott 2004, p. 9).
The Goh-Schmutz constant is defined by the integrals C = int_0^infty(ln(1+t))/(e^t-1)dt (1) = int_0^inftyln[1-ln(1-e^(-t))]dt (2) = ...
The Goldberg graphs are a family of graphs discovered by Goldberg (1981) which are snarks for n=5, 7, 9, .... Precomputed properties of Goldberg graphs are implemented in the ...
The golden ratio conjugate, also called the silver ratio, is the quantity Phi = 1/phi (1) = phi-1 (2) = 2/(1+sqrt(5)) (3) = (sqrt(5)-1)/2 (4) = 0.6180339887... (5) (OEIS ...
The mathematical golden rule states that, for any fraction, both numerator and denominator may be multiplied by the same number without changing the fraction's value.
The discontinuous solution of the surface of revolution area minimization problem for surfaces connecting two circles. When the circles are sufficiently far apart, the usual ...
