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A tag system is set of rules that specifies a fixed number of elements (commonly denoted nu or beta) be removed from the beginning of a sequence and a set of elements to be ...
A totalistic cellular automaton is a cellular automata in which the rules depend only on the total (or equivalently, the average) of the values of the cells in a ...
The Walsh functions consist of trains of square pulses (with the allowed states being -1 and 1) such that transitions may only occur at fixed intervals of a unit time step, ...
Reverse Polish notation (RPN) is a method for representing expressions in which the operator symbol is placed after the arguments being operated on. Polish notation, in which ...
On a computer screen, the pixels indicating a slanted line are selected with Bresenham's algorithm, developed in 1962 while at IBM.
A prime factorization algorithm.
An endogenous variable is an economic variable that is related to other economic variables and determines their equilibrium levels.
An exogenous variable is an economic variable which is independent of the relationships determining the equilibrium levels, but nonetheless affects the equilibrium.
A set of curves whose equations are of the same form but which have different values assigned to one or more parameters in the equations. Families of curves arise, for ...
A unit of angular measure in which the angle of an entire circle is 400 gradians. A right angle is therefore 100 gradians. A gradian is sometimes also called a gon or a grade.