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Let a particle travel a distance s(t) as a function of time t (here, s can be thought of as the arc length of the curve traced out by the particle). The speed (the scalar ...
A triangle in which all three angles are acute angles. A triangle which is neither acute nor a right triangle (i.e., it has an obtuse angle) is called an obtuse triangle. ...
An acyclic digraph is a directed graph containing no directed cycles, also known as a directed acyclic graph or a "DAG." Every finite acyclic digraph has at least one node of ...
Adams' method is a numerical method for solving linear first-order ordinary differential equations of the form (dy)/(dx)=f(x,y). (1) Let h=x_(n+1)-x_n (2) be the step ...
An addition-multiplication square is a square of integers that is simultaneously a magic square and multiplication magic square. In 1955, Horner found a square of order eight ...
An additive group is a group where the operation is called addition and is denoted +. In an additive group, the identity element is called zero, and the inverse of the ...
A modified Miller's primality test which gives a guarantee of primality or compositeness. The algorithm's running time for a number n has been proved to be as ...
Adomian polynomials decompose a function u(x,t) into a sum of components u(x,t)=sum_(n=0)^inftyu_n(x,t) (1) for a nonlinear operator F as F(u(x,t))=sum_(n=0)^inftyA_n. (2) ...
The adjective "affine" indicates everything that is related to the geometry of affine spaces. A coordinate system for the n-dimensional affine space R^n is determined by any ...
An affine transformation is any transformation that preserves collinearity (i.e., all points lying on a line initially still lie on a line after transformation) and ratios of ...
