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A product space product_(i in I)X_i is compact iff X_i is compact for all i in I. In other words, the topological product of any number of compact spaces is compact. In ...
The universal product code (UPC) is a 12-digit number and associated machine-readable bar code used to identify products being purchased in grocery stores. UPCs encode an ...
By way of analogy with the eban numbers, uban numbers are defined as numbers whose English names do not contain the letter "u" (i.e., "u" is banned). Note that this ...
Let G be Gauss's constant and M=1/G be its multiplicative inverse. Then M/sqrt(2)=0.8472130... (OEIS A097057) is sometimes known as the ubiquitous constant (Spanier and ...
Let L be a language of first-order predicate logic, let I be an indexing set, and for each i in I, let A_i be a structure of the language L. Let u be an ultrafilter in the ...
Let P_i=x_i:y_i:z_i be trilinear points for i=1, 2, 3. The A-vertex of the unary cofactor triangle is then defined as the point y_2z_3-z_2y_3:z_2x_3-x_2z_3:x_2y_3-y_2x_3, and ...
An unduloid, also called an onduloid, is a surface of revolution with constant nonzero mean curvature. It is a roulette obtained from the path described by the foci of a ...
An ungraceful graph is a simple graph that does not possess a graceful labeling, i.e., a graph that is not a graceful graph (Gardner 1972). Such graphs have also been termed ...
An unhappy number is a number that is not happy, i.e., a number n such that iterating this sum-of-squared-digits map starting with n never reaches the number 1. The first few ...
Let X be a connected topological space. Then X is unicoherent provided that for any closed connected subsets A and B of X, if X=A union B, then A intersection B is connected. ...
