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A fundamental structural result in extremal graph theory due to Szemerédi (1978). The regularity lemma essentially says that every graph can be well-approximated by the union ...
The Szilassi polyhedron is a heptahedron that is topologically equivalent to a torus and for which every pair of faces has a polygon edge in common. The Szilassi polyhedron ...
A T_1-space is a topological space fulfilling the T1-separation axiom: For any two points x,y in X there exists two open sets U and V such that x in U and y not in U, and y ...
A topological space fulfilling the T_2-axiom: i.e., any two points have disjoint neighborhoods. In the terminology of Alexandroff and Hopf (1972), a T_2-space is called a ...
In the tabu search category of meta-heuristics, the essential idea is to 'forbid' search moves to points already visited in the (usually discrete) search space, at least for ...
Prellberg (2001) noted that the limit c=lim_(n->infty)(T_n)/(B_nexp{1/2[W(n)]^2})=2.2394331040... (OEIS A143307) exists, where T_n is a Takeuchi number, B_n is a Bell number, ...
Let A denote an R-algebra, so that A is a vector space over R and A×A->A (1) (x,y)|->x·y, (2) where x·y is vector multiplication which is assumed to be bilinear. Now define ...
A coordinate system (mu,nu,psi) given by the coordinate transformation x = (mucospsi)/(mu^2+nu^2) (1) y = (musinpsi)/(mu^2+nu^2) (2) z = nu/(mu^2+nu^2) (3) and defined for ...
Every smooth manifold M has a tangent bundle TM, which consists of the tangent space TM_p at all points p in M. Since a tangent space TM_p is the set of all tangent vectors ...
A straight line is tangent to a given curve f(x) at a point x_0 on the curve if the line passes through the point (x_0,f(x_0)) on the curve and has slope f^'(x_0), where ...
