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The Gosper island (Mandelbrot 1977), also known as a flowsnake (Gardner 1989, p. 41), is a fractal that is a modification of the Koch snowflake. The term "Gosper island" was ...
The term "gradient" has several meanings in mathematics. The simplest is as a synonym for slope. The more general gradient, called simply "the" gradient in vector analysis, ...
Let F(m,n) be the number of m×n (0,1)-matrices with no adjacent 1s (in either columns or rows). For n=1, 2, ..., F(n,n) is given by 2, 7, 63, 1234, ... (OEIS A006506). The ...
As shown by Morse and Feshbach (1953) and Arfken (1970), the Helmholtz differential equation is separable in oblate spheroidal coordinates.
A homogeneous space M is a space with a transitive group action by a Lie group. Because a transitive group action implies that there is only one group orbit, M is isomorphic ...
The hundred-dollar, hundred-digits challenge problems are a set of ten problems in numerical analysis published in the January/February 2002 issue of SIAM News ...
An axiom proposed by Huntington (1933) as part of his definition of a Boolean algebra, H(x,y)=!(!x v y) v !(!x v !y)=x, (1) where !x denotes NOT and x v y denotes OR. Taken ...
Let sigma_infty(n) be the sum of the infinitary divisors of a number n. An infinitary perfect number is a number n such that sigma_infty(n)=2n. The first few are 6, 60, 90, ...
The notion of an inverse is used for many types of mathematical constructions. For example, if f:T->S is a function restricted to a domain S and range T in which it is ...
The Janko-Kharaghani-Tonchev graph is a strongly regular graph on 324 vertices and 24786 edges. It has regular parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(324,153,72,72). It is implemented ...
