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A transformation x^'=Ax is unimodular if the determinant of the matrix A satisfies det(A)=+/-1. A necessary and sufficient condition that a linear transformation transform a ...
Given vectors u and v, the vector direct product, also known as a dyadic, is uv=u tensor v^(T), where tensor is the Kronecker product and v^(T) is the matrix transpose. For ...
Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (2000) define the circulant determinant by (1) where omega_j is the nth root of unity. The second-order circulant determinant is |x_1 x_2; x_2 ...
Let {y^k} be a set of orthonormal vectors with k=1, 2, ..., K, such that the inner product (y^k,y^k)=1. Then set x=sum_(k=1)^Ku_ky^k (1) so that for any square matrix A for ...
The Balaban index J is a graph index defined for a graph on n nodes, m edges, and c connected components by J=m/(gamma+1)sum_((i,j) in E(G))(D_iD_j)^(-1/2), where gamma=m-n+c ...
Conjugation is the process of taking a complex conjugate of a complex number, complex matrix, etc., or of performing a conjugation move on a knot. Conjugation also has a ...
The Jacobian of the derivatives partialf/partialx_1, partialf/partialx_2, ..., partialf/partialx_n of a function f(x_1,x_2,...,x_n) with respect to x_1, x_2, ..., x_n is ...
A Lie group is a group with the structure of a manifold. Therefore, discrete groups do not count. However, the most useful Lie groups are defined as subgroups of some matrix ...
A linear algebraic group is a matrix group that is also an affine variety. In particular, its elements satisfy polynomial equations. The group operations are required to be ...
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