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The symmetric successive overrelaxation (SSOR) method combines two successive overrelaxation method (SOR) sweeps together in such a way that the resulting iteration matrix is ...
The natural norm induced by the L1-norm is called the maximum absolute column sum norm and is defined by ||A||_1=max_(j)sum_(i=1)^n|a_(ij)| for a matrix A. This matrix norm ...
Sylvester's criterion states that a matrix M is positive definite iff the determinants associated with all upper-left submatrices of M are positive.
Given a square matrix M, the following are equivalent: 1. |M|!=0. 2. The columns of M are linearly independent. 3. The rows of M are linearly independent. 4. Range(M) = R^n. ...
Eigenvectors are a special set of vectors associated with a linear system of equations (i.e., a matrix equation) that are sometimes also known as characteristic vectors, ...
Let G be a simple graph with nonsingular (0,1) adjacency matrix A. If all the diagonal entries of the matrix inverse A^(-1) are zero and all the off-diagonal entries of ...
The subdiagonal of a square matrix is the set of elements directly under the elements comprising the diagonal. For example, in the following matrix, the diagonal elements are ...
The term "similarity transformation" is used either to refer to a geometric similarity, or to a matrix transformation that results in a similarity. A similarity ...
A univariate distribution proportional to the F-distribution. If the vector d is Gaussian multivariate-distributed with zero mean and unit covariance matrix N_p(0,I) and M is ...
A generalized eigenvector for an n×n matrix A is a vector v for which (A-lambdaI)^kv=0 for some positive integer k in Z^+. Here, I denotes the n×n identity matrix. The ...
