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A singular point such that every neighborhood of the point intersects itself. Pinch points are also called Whitney singularities or branch points.
Let x:p(x)->xp(x), then for any operator T, T^'=Tx-xT is called the Pincherle derivative of T. If T is a shift-invariant operator, then its Pincherle derivative is also a ...
The 4-polyhex illustrated above.
A pivot point of a curve is a fixed point Q such that points P lying on the curve and their (isogonal, isotomic, etc.) conjugates are collinear with Q.
The element in the diagonal of a matrix by which other elements are divided in an algorithm such as Gauss-Jordan elimination is called the pivot element. Partial pivoting is ...
For n points in the plane, there are at least N_1=sqrt(n-3/4)-1/2 different distances. The minimum distance can occur only <=3n-6 times, and the maximum distance can occur ...
A point p on a regular surface M in R^3 is said to be planar if the Gaussian curvature K(p)=0 and S(p)=0 (where S is the shape operator), or equivalently, both of the ...
Let (xi_1,xi_2) be a locally Euclidean coordinate system. Then ds^2=dxi_1^2+dxi_2^2. (1) Now plug in dxi_1=(partialxi_1)/(partialx_1)dx_1+(partialxi_1)/(partialx_2)dx_2 (2) ...
The Plateau curves were studied by the Belgian physicist and mathematician Joseph Plateau. They have Cartesian equation x = (asin[(m+n)t])/(sin[(m-n)t]) (1) y = ...
The only stellations of Platonic solids which are uniform polyhedra are the three dodecahedron stellations and the great icosahedron.
