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The general equation of fluid flow (lambda+2mu)del (del ·u)-mudel x(del xu)=rho(partial^2u)/(partialt^2), where mu and lambda are coefficients of viscosity, u is the velocity ...
A problem in the calculus of variations. Let a vessel traveling at constant speed c navigate on a body of water having surface velocity u = u(x,y) (1) v = v(x,y). (2) The ...
A condition which must hold for a result to be true, but which does not guarantee it to be true. If a condition is both necessary and sufficient, then the result is said to ...
The operation of interchanging true and false in a logical statement. The negation of A is often called "NOT-A," and can be denoted !A, or with the negation sign ¬, so not-A ...
The symbol ¬ used to denote the negation operation ("NOT") in symbolic logic, also called "logical not."
The series which arises in the binomial theorem for negative integer -n, (x+a)^(-n) = sum_(k=0)^(infty)(-n; k)x^ka^(-n-k) (1) = sum_(k=0)^(infty)(-1)^k(n+k-1; k)x^ka^(-n-k) ...
A negative definite matrix is a Hermitian matrix all of whose eigenvalues are negative. A matrix m may be tested to determine if it is negative definite in the Wolfram ...
The term negative likelihood ratio is also used (especially in medicine) to test nonnested complementary hypotheses as follows, NLR = ([false negative rate])/([true negative ...
Let f:R->R, then the negative part of f is the function f^-:R->R defined by f^-(x)=max(-f(x),0). Note that the negative part is itself a nonnegative function. The negative ...
The negative real axis is the portion of the real axis with x<0.
