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Multivariable calculus is the branch of calculus that studies functions of more than one variable. Partial derivatives and multiple integrals are the generalizations of ...
A function of more than one variable.
A polynomial in more than one variable, e.g., .
Let Omega be a space with measure mu>=0, and let Phi(P,Q) be a real function on the product space Omega×Omega. When (mu,nu) = intintPhi(P,Q)dmu(Q)dnu(P) (1) = ...
The mutual information between two discrete random variables X and Y is defined to be I(X;Y)=sum_(x in X)sum_(y in Y)P(x,y)log_2((P(x,y))/(P(x)P(y))) (1) bits. Additional ...
Let M be a sigma-algebra M, and let lambda_1 and lambda_2 be measures on M. If there exists a pair of disjoint sets A and B such that lambda_1 is concentrated on A and ...
A problem is NP-hard if an algorithm for solving it can be translated into one for solving any NP-problem (nondeterministic polynomial time) problem. NP-hard therefore means ...
The upside-down capital delta symbol del , also called "del," used to denote the gradient and other vector derivatives. The following table summarizes the names and notations ...
The system of partial differential equations U_t = [V,W] (1) V_t = [W,U] (2) W_t = [U,V], (3) where [A,B] denotes the commutator.
For b>a>0, 1/b<(lnb-lna)/(b-a)<1/a.
