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6821 - 6830 of 13135 for rational numberSearch Results
The radial curve of the logarithmic spiral is another logarithmic spiral.
A function f(x) is logarithmically concave on the interval [a,b] if f>0 and lnf(x) is concave on [a,b]. The definition can also be extended to R^k->(0,infty) functions ...
A function f(x) is logarithmically convex on the interval [a,b] if f>0 and lnf(x) is convex on [a,b]. If f(x) and g(x) are logarithmically convex on the interval [a,b], then ...
A function whose value decreases to zero more slowly than any nonzero polynomial is said to be a logarithmically decreasing function. The prototypical example is the function ...
A function whose value increases more slowly to infinity than any nonconstant polynomial is said to be a logarithmically increasing function. The prototypical example is the ...
The two integrals involving Bessel functions of the first kind given by (alpha^2-beta^2)intxJ_n(alphax)J_n(betax)dx ...
One of the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms. It states that, for every pair (X,A), there is a natural long exact sequence ...->H_n(A)->H_n(X)->H_n(X,A)->H_(n-1)(A)->..., where the ...
The azimuthal coordinate on the surface of a sphere (theta in spherical coordinates) or on a spheroid (in prolate or oblate spheroidal coordinates). Longitude is defined such ...
A Lorentz tensor is any quantity which transforms like a tensor under the homogeneous Lorentz transformation.
The Lorenz attractor is an attractor that arises in a simplified system of equations describing the two-dimensional flow of fluid of uniform depth H, with an imposed ...
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