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A family of subsets of a topological space such that every point has a neighborhood which intersects only a finite number of them.
The number of outward directed graph edges from a given graph vertex in a directed graph.
The polynomial giving the number of colorings with m colors of a structure defined by a permutation group.
The cumulative frequency in a frequency distribution divided by the total number of data points.
The ratio of the absolute frequency to the total number of data points in a frequency distribution.
The sequency k of a Walsh function is defined as half the number of zero crossings in the time base.
A tree having an infinite number of branches and whose nodes are sequences generated by a set of rules.
A matrix is ill-conditioned if the condition number is too large (and singular if it is infinite).
The Littlewood conjecture states that for any two real numbers x,y in R, lim inf_(n->infty)n|nx-nint(nx)||ny-nint(ny)|=0 where nint(z) denotes the nearest integer function. ...
The set of all sets is its own power set. Therefore, the cardinal number of the set of all sets must be bigger than itself.