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6071 - 6080 of 13135 for rational numberSearch Results
An expression occurring in existential sentences. "For some x" is the same as " exists x." Unlike in everyday language, it is does not necessarily refer to a plurality of ...
Let a, b, and k be integers with k>=1. For j=0, 1, 2, let S_j=sum_(i=j (mod 3))(-1)^i(k; i)a^(k-i)b^i. Then 2(a^2+ab+b^2)^(2k)=(S_0-S_1)^4+(S_1-S_2)^4+(S_2-S_0)^4.
A fork of a tree T is a node of T which is the endpoint of two or more branches.
Given a differential p-form q in the exterior algebra ^ ^pV^*, its envelope is the smallest subspace W such that q is in the subspace ^ ^pW^* subset ^ ^pV^*. Alternatively, W ...
A closed embedded smooth plane curve has at least four vertices, where a vertex is defined as an extremum of curvature.
Let four lines in a plane represent four roads in general position, and let one traveler T_i be walking along each road at a constant (but not necessarily equal to any other ...
The inverse of the Laplace transform F(t) = L^(-1)[f(s)] (1) = 1/(2pii)int_(gamma-iinfty)^(gamma+iinfty)e^(st)f(s)ds (2) f(s) = L[F(t)] (3) = int_0^inftyF(t)e^(-st)dt. (4)
Let f(x) be a positive definite, measurable function on the interval (-infty,infty). Then there exists a monotone increasing, real-valued bounded function alpha(t) such that ...
If f(x) is an even function, then b_n=0 and the Fourier series collapses to f(x)=1/2a_0+sum_(n=1)^inftya_ncos(nx), (1) where a_0 = 1/piint_(-pi)^pif(x)dx (2) = ...
For a power function f(x)=x^k with k>=0 on the interval [0,2L] and periodic with period 2L, the coefficients of the Fourier series are given by a_0 = (2^(k+1)L^k)/(k+1) (1) ...
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