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501 - 510 of 13135 for rational numberSearch Results
The operator I^~ which takes a real number to the same real number I^~r=r.
If two numbers b and c have the property that their difference b-c is integrally divisible by a number m (i.e., (b-c)/m is an integer), then b and c are said to be "congruent ...
A field is any set of elements that satisfies the field axioms for both addition and multiplication and is a commutative division algebra. An archaic name for a field is ...
The study of number fields by embedding them in a local field is called local class field theory. Information about an equation in a local field may give information about ...
Let x be a real number, and let R be the set of positive real numbers mu for which 0<|x-p/q|<1/(q^mu) (1) has (at most) finitely many solutions p/q for p and q integers. Then ...
An isolated singularity is a singularity for which there exists a (small) real number epsilon such that there are no other singularities within a neighborhood of radius ...
The number N_d^((b))(n) of digits d in the base-b representation of a number n is called the b-ary digit count for d. The digit count is implemented in the Wolfram Language ...
The Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, since its proof now sometimes known as the modularity theorem, is very general and important conjecture (and now theorem) connecting topology ...
A term for number theory.
An irrational number x can be called GK-regular (defined here for the first time) if the distribution of its continued fraction coefficients is the Gauss-Kuzmin distribution. ...
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