Search Results for "rational number"
261 - 270 of 13135 for rational numberSearch Results
A type of number involving the roots of unity which was developed by Kummer while trying to solve Fermat's last theorem. Although factorization over the integers is unique ...
The algebraic unknotting number of a knot K in S^3 is defined as the algebraic unknotting number of the S-equivalence class of a Seifert matrix of K. The algebraic unknotting ...
The least number of crossings that occur in any projection of a link. In general, it is difficult to find the crossing number of a given link. Knots and links are generally ...
The lower matching number of a graph is the minimum size of a maximal independent edge set. The (upper) matching number may be similarly defined as the largest size of an ...
The winding number of a contour gamma about a point z_0, denoted n(gamma,z_0), is defined by n(gamma,z_0)=1/(2pii)∮_gamma(dz)/(z-z_0) and gives the number of times gamma ...
The clique covering number theta(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of cliques in G needed to cover the vertex set of G. Since theta(G) involves the minimum number of ...
The maximum leaf number l(G) of a graph G is the largest number of tree leaves in any of its spanning trees. (The corresponding smallest number of leaves is known as the ...
The vertex cover number is the size of a minimum vertex cover in a graph G is known as the vertex cover number of G, denoted tau(G). The König-Egeváry theorem states that the ...
A figurate number of the form 4n^2-3n. The first few are 1, 10, 27, 52, 85, ... (OEIS A001107). The generating function giving the decagonal numbers is ...
By way of analogy with the eban numbers, iban numbers are defined as numbers whose English names do not contain the letter "i" (i.e., "i" is banned). The first few are 1, 2, ...