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A symmetric design is a block design (v, k, lambda, r, b) with the same number of blocks as points, so b=v (or, equivalently, r=k). An example of a symmetric block design is ...
The function defined by U(p)=(p#)^(p#), where p is a prime number and p# is a primorial. The values for p=2, 3, ..., are 4, 46656, ...
The number of graph edges meeting at a given node in a graph is called the order of that graph vertex.
x^n=sum_(k=0)^n<n; k>(x+k; n), where <n; k> is an Eulerian number and (n; k) is a binomial coefficient (Worpitzky 1883; Comtet 1974, p. 242).
An AB percolation is a discrete percolation model in which the underlying point lattice graph L has the properties that each of its graph vertices is occupied by an atom ...
A transformation which transforms from a two-dimensional continuous uniform distribution to a two-dimensional bivariate normal distribution (or complex normal distribution). ...
The term discrete percolation is used to describe models of percolation theory whose media are discrete sets like sets of regular lattice points (e.g., bond percolation and ...
A stationary point process X is said to drive a model of continuum percolation theory if one of the characterizing axioms of the model hinges on the existence of X. In this ...
A shuffle of a deck of cards obtained by successively exchanging the cards in position 1, 2, ..., n with cards in randomly chosen positions. For 4<=n<=17, the most frequent ...
A principle that was first enunciated by Jakob Bernoulli which states that if we are ignorant of the ways an event can occur (and therefore have no reason to believe that one ...
