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The symbol used by engineers and some physicists to denote i, the imaginary number sqrt(-1). j is probably preferred over i because the symbol i (or I) is commonly used to ...
An alpha value is a number 0<=alpha<=1 such that P(z>=z_(observed))<=alpha is considered "significant," where P is a P-value.
If f is continuous on a closed interval [a,b], then there is at least one number x^* in [a,b] such that int_a^bf(x)dx=f(x^*)(b-a). The average value of the function (f^_) on ...
A necessary and sufficient condition for a sequence S_i to converge. The Cauchy criterion is satisfied when, for all epsilon>0, there is a fixed number N such that ...
If an infinite number of points in the plane are all separated by integer distances, then all the points lie on a straight line.
A curve created by starting with a circle, dividing it into six arcs, and flipping three alternating arcs. The process is then repeated an infinite number of times.
A group having an infinite number of elements. Some infinite groups, such as the integers or rationals, are not continuous groups.
The sequence generated by repeated application of a map. The map is said to have a closed orbit if it has a finite number of elements.
A vertex coloring is an assignment of labels or colors to each vertex of a graph such that no edge connects two identically colored vertices. A vertex coloring that minimize ...
Topological lower bounds in terms of Betti numbers for the number of critical points form a smooth function on a smooth manifold.
