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The resistance distance between vertices i and j of a graph G is defined as the effective resistance between the two vertices (as when a battery is attached across them) when ...
Consider a network of n resistors R_i so that R_2 may be connected in series or parallel with R_1, R_3 may be connected in series or parallel with the network consisting of ...
Resolution is a widely used word with many different meanings. It can refer to resolution of equations, resolution of singularities (in algebraic geometry), resolution of ...
The least positive integer m^* with the property that chi(y)=1 whenever y=1 (mod m^*) and (y,m)=1.
The resolution principle, due to Robinson (1965), is a method of theorem proving that proceeds by constructing refutation proofs, i.e., proofs by contradiction. This method ...
A balanced incomplete block design (B,V) is called resolvable if there exists a partition R of its set of blocks B into parallel classes, each of which in turn partitions the ...
For a given monic quartic equation f(x)=x^4+a_3x^3+a_2x^2+a_1x+a_0, (1) the resolvent cubic is the monic cubic polynomial g(x)=x^3+b_2x^2+b_1x+b_0, (2) where the coefficients ...
A tree of links obtained by repeatedly choosing a crossing, applying the skein relationship to obtain two simpler links, and repeating the process. The tree depth of a ...
Isolated resonances in a dynamical system can cause considerable distortion of preserved tori in their neighborhood, but they do not introduce any chaos into a system. ...
A method for predicting the onset of widespread chaos.
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