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The differential equation describing exponential growth is (dN)/(dt)=rN. (1) This can be integrated directly int_(N_0)^N(dN)/N=int_0^trdt (2) to give ln(N/(N_0))=rt, (3) ...
The mean of a distribution with probability density function P(x) is the first raw moment mu_1^', defined by mu=<x>, (1) where <f> is the expectation value. For a continuous ...
The theorem in set theory and logic that for all sets A and B, B=(A intersection B^_) union (B intersection A^_)<=>A=emptyset, (1) where A^_ denotes complement set of A and ...
The term "porism" is an archaic type of mathematical proposition whose historical purpose is not entirely known. It is used instead of "theorem" by some authors for a small ...
Two triangles are said to be poristic triangles if they share the same incircle and circumcircle. More specifically, in the plane of a reference triangle, a triangle is said ...
The partial differential equation u_t=del ·(u^mdel u).
Porter's constant is the constant appearing in formulas for the efficiency of the Euclidean algorithm, C = (6ln2)/(pi^2)[3ln2+4gamma-(24)/(pi^2)zeta^'(2)-2]-1/2 (1) = ...
Dirac (1952) proved that if the minimum vertex degree delta(G)>=n/2 for a graph G on n>=3 nodes, then G contains a Hamiltonian cycle (Bollobás 1978, Komlós et al. 1996). In ...
There are several related theorems involving Hamiltonian cycles of graphs that are associated with Pósa. Let G be a simple graph with n graph vertices. 1. If, for every k in ...
The dimension of a partially ordered set P=(X,<=) is the size of the smallest realizer of P. Equivalently, it is the smallest integer d such that P is isomorphic to a ...
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