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A group set is a set whose elements are acted on by a group. If the group G acts on the set S, then S is called a G-set. Let G be a group and let S be a G-set. Then for every ...
The study of groups. Gauss developed but did not publish parts of the mathematics of group theory, but Galois is generally considered to have been the first to develop the ...
If G is a group, then the torsion elements Tor(G) of G (also called the torsion of G) are defined to be the set of elements g in G such that g^n=e for some natural number n, ...
The upper central series of a group G is the sequence of groups (each term normal in the term following it) 1=Z_0<=Z_1<=Z_2<=...<=Z_n<=... that is constructed in the ...
There are at least three definitions of "groupoid" currently in use. The first type of groupoid is an algebraic structure on a set with a binary operator. The only ...
A general term which refers to an increase (or decrease in the case of the oxymoron "negative growth") in a given quantity.
Grünbaum conjectured that for every m>1, n>2, there exists an m-regular, m-chromatic graph of girth at least n. This result is trivial for n=2 and m=2,3, but only a small ...
If G is a perfect group, then the group center of the quotient group G/Z(G), where Z(G) is the group center of G, is the trivial group.
A special case of nim played by the following rules. Given a heap of size n, two players alternately select a heap and divide it into two unequal heaps. A player loses when ...
The Gudermannian function is the odd function denoted either gamma(x) or gd(x) which arises in the inverse equations for the Mercator projection. phi(y)=gd(y) expresses the ...
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