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A set X whose elements can be numbered through from 1 to n, for some positive integer n. The number n is called the cardinal number of the set, and is often denoted |X| or ...
A set function mu is said to possess finite subadditivity if, given any finite disjoint collection of sets {E_k}_(k=1)^n on which mu is defined, mu( union ...
The finite volume method is a numerical method for solving partial differential equations that calculates the values of the conserved variables averaged across the volume. ...
A group G is said to be finitely generated if there exists a finite set of group generators for G.
A finitely presented group is a group with a finite number of generators and relations. A mathematical joke involving finitely presented groups is given by Renteln and Dundes ...
A reduction system is called finitely terminating (or Noetherian) if there are no infinite rewriting sequences. This property guarantees that any rewriting algorithm will ...
Let the squares square ABCD and square AB^'C^'D^' share a common polygon vertex A. The midpoints Q and S of the segments B^'D and BD^' together with the centers of the ...
The geometry of Finsler space.
A continuous real function L(x,y) defined on the tangent bundle T(M) of an n-dimensional smooth manifold M is said to be a Finsler metric if 1. L(x,y) is differentiable at ...
Let A be a C^*-algebra and A_+ be its positive part. Suppose that E is a complex linear space which is a left A-module and lambda(ax)=(lambdaa)x=a(lambdax), where lambda in ...
